
As an administrator, you can give access to your account to users outside your company, e.g. installers or maintenance companies. To do so, you must generate an invitation by accessing "Admin / Guests".

From this section you can create new guest account or manage existing ones.

1: Edit an existing guest

2: Create a new guest

The Active column indicates whether the guest is active (green) or inactive (red).

The Validated column indicates whether the guest has validated the request (green) or is pending validation (red).

Activation is handled by the account administrator, while validation must be done by the guest.

New guest

When creating a new guest, the following screen opens where the guest's permissions are assigned.

E-mail: Enter the guest's email address. The guest must have an account created in and the email must be the same as the one used in that account.

Role: Allows you to assign one of the created roles to the guest, giving them the assigned permissions to that role.

Active: Allows you to activate or deactivate a guest as needed.

Workspace mode: Defines the permissions assigned to the guest:

Groups and devices: Permissions affect all devices and groups equally.

Groups: Allows you to assign different permissions to each group of devices.

Devices: Allows permissions to be assigned to selected devices only, the guest will not be able to view unselected devices.

Privileges: Select the privileges that the guest must have.

When you click on save, a warning message appears indicating that an invitation is going to be sent to the specified user:

The user receives an email with a link to accept the invitation.

The link takes him to his account, to the section "Companies" (3), only invited users have this section.

From this section, the user can view all invitations. By clicking on (4), a window opens where you can accept or decline an invitation.

Once the invitation has been accepted, an icon (5) appears which allows access to the host company's dashboard.

The invited user only sees the host company's devices, the devices of his own account are not displayed.

To return to your own device view, you must log out and log back in to your own account.