
AKO-16526 / AKO-16526A

The controllers  AKOCORE  has a series of parameters to configure its operation according to requirements, these parameters can be modified through, by accessing the device details and by clicking on the "Parameters” tab.

There are two types of parameters:

Changes to the parameters associated with have immediate effect, while the parameters associated with the device generate a task that runs in the next transmission (variable depending on configuration). Refer to the device manual to force the transmission.

If, upon altering a parameter, there is a pending task, the change is added to that task, otherwise it generates a new task. The list of tasks and their status can be consulted in the backlog section

The parameters are organised into 11 groups:

Regulation and control (rE)

(SP) Temperature setting (Set Point): When this temperature value is reached, cooling generation stops.

(C0) Probe 1 calibration: Defines the offset of probe 1.

(C1) Probe 1 differential (Hysteresis): Cooling generation starts when the SP +C1 temperature value is reached.

(C2) Set Point top locking: Defines the maximum temperature of the temperature set point (SP).

(C3) Set Point bottom locking: Defines the minimum temperature of the temperature set point (SP).

(C4) Type of delay for the protection of the compressor: Defines the type of  delay for the protection of the compressor:

(C5) Protection delay time: Defines the time for the type of protection defined in parameter C4.

(C6) COOL relay status with fault in probe 1: Defines the behaviour of the COOL relay in the event of a failure in probe 1:

(C7) Relay time in ON in the event of probe 1 failure: Time that the COOL relay remains ON in case of failure of probe 1.

(C8) Relay time in OFF in the event of probe 1 failure: Time that the COOL relay remains OFF in case of failure of probe 1.

(C9) Maximum duration of the continuous cycle mode: Maximum duration of the continuous cycle function.

(C10) Variation of the SP in continuous cycle mode: Variation of the SP temperature in case of activation of the continuous cycle mode.

(C12) Variation of the Set point (SP) when the change set point function is active: Variation of the SP temperature in case of activation of the set point change mode.

(C19) Maximum start time from Pump Down: Maximum time allowed with the COOL relay active for the low pressure switch to be deactivated, otherwise the COOL relay is deactivated and the message “LP” is displayed.

(C20) Maximum time of pump down: Maximum time allowed with the COOL relay deactivated for the low pressure switch to activate and the compressor to stop, otherwise the message “Pd” is displayed, but the operation does not stop.

(C22) Stop fans and compressor on opening door: Defines whether the compressor and fans stop when the cold room door is opened.

(C23) Start-up delay for fan/compressor with door open: Timeout for starting fans and compressor if the door remains open.

(C24) Delay time to stop cold with door open: Time that the door must remain open for the production of cold to stop. (AKO-16526A only).

(C25) S3 probe influence with two temperature probes: Percentage of influence of probe S3 in case of temperature regulation with two probes. (AKO-16526A only).

(C27) Probe 4 calibration: Defines the offset of probe 4. (AKO-16526A only).

(C40) SP Change mode activation day(s) setting**: Defines which days the SetPoint change mode is activated automatically:

(C41) SP Change start setting (Hours)**: SP change start hour. 

(C42) SP Change start setting (Minutes)**: SP change start minute.

(C43) SP Change duration setting**: SP change duration in hours

Defrost (DEF)

(d0) Defrost frequency : Time that must elapse between the start of each defrost.

(d1) Maximum defrost duration : Maximum duration of each defrost.

(d2) Type of message during the defrost : Defines what is shown on the display during the defrost process:

(d3) Maximum duration of the message : Maximum duration of the message displayed.

(d4) Final defrost temperature (by probe) : When this temperature is reached, the defrost is stopped. If it is not reached, it stops for the maximum time (d1).

(d5) Defrost on connecting the unit : Defines whether or not a defrost is started when the controller is started.

(d6) Delay of the defrost start on connecting the unit : Delay time from controller start-up to first defrost.

(d7) Type of defrost *: Displays the type of defrost that is configured in the controller

(d8) Count of time between defrost periods : Defines the way the time between defrosts is counted (d0):

(d9) Drip time when completing defrost : The time which must elapse between the end of defrost and the start of cold regulation.

 (d30) Defrost strategy in SELFDRIVE mode: A higher value allows higher frost formation (reduces defrosts), a lower value allows lower frost formation (increases defrosts). For more information, see the user manual. (AKO-16526A only).

 (d31) Maximum time without defrosting: Maximum time allowed without defrosting. (AKO-16526A only).

 (d32) Maximum time of cold room outside the temperature regulation range: If the chamber remains this time without reaching the Set Point, an emergency defrost is started to unblock the evaporator.(AKO-16526A only).

Fan (FAn)

(F0) Shutdown temperature of fans : When the set temperature is reached, the fans stop.

(F1) Probe 2 differential if fans are shut down : When the temperature defined at F0 minus differential F1 is reached, the fans are activated (if they are stopped).

(F2) Shut down fans when compressor shuts down : Defines whether or not the fans are stopped when the compressor stops.

(F3) Status of the fans during defrost : Defines whether the fans are stopped during defrost.

(F4) Delay of start-up after defrost : Time that must elapse from the end of drip time (d9) until the fans are started again.

(F10) Tipo de regulación de ventiladores*:  Fans regulation type Shows the type of regulation of the evaporator fans (AKO-16526 only):

Regulation and control (EEV)

(u00) Type of expansion valve: Type of expansion valve used:

(Sh) Overheating SetPoint: Overheating SetPoint.

(u02) Type of refrigerant gas: Defines the type of refrigerant gas used:

(u03) PWM cycle time: Duration of the PWM cycle in seconds.

(u04) Proportional constant value (P): Proportional constant value (P). 

(u05) Integral constant value (I): Integral constant value (I). 

(u06) Derivative constant value (D): Derivative constant value (D). 

(u07) Initial valve opening on demand for cooling: Initial opening of the valve when the demand for cooling is activated.

(u08) Duration of initial valve opening on cooling activation: Duration of initial valve opening.

(u09) Valve behaviour in the event of S5 or S6 probe error: Valve behaviour in the event of S5 or S6 probe error:

(u10) Valve opening in the event of S5 or S6 probe error: Valve opening value in the event of S5 or S6 probe error.

(u11) EEV manual opening: Manually adjusts the valve opening.

(u12) EEV maximum opening: Maximum valve opening limit. 

(u13) EEV minimum opening: Minimum valve opening limit. 

(u14) Initial valve opening after defrost: Initial valve opening after defrost. 

(u15) Duration of initial valve opening after defrost: Duration of initial valve opening after defrost. 

(u16) Valve opening in the event of LOP alarm: Valve opening in the event of evaporator minimum pressure alarm.

Alarms (AL)

(A0) Configuration of the temperature alarms : 

(A1) Alarm of maximum in probe 1 : Maximum temperature alarm activation value.

(A2) Alarm of minimum in probe 1 : Minimum temperature alarm activation value.

(A3) Delay of temperature alarms in start-up : Temperature alarm turn-on delay time from controller start-up.

(A4) Delay of temperature alarms from the end of defrost : Temperature alarm turn-on delay time from when the defrost ends.

(A5) Delay of temperature alarms from when the A1 or A2 value is reached : Alarm activation delay  from when the temperature in probe 1 reaches the programmed value.

(A6) Delay in External alarm/Severe external alarm on digital input signal reception: Turn-on delay time of the external and severe external alarms after receiving the signal.

(A7) Delay in External alarm/Severe external alarm deactivation when the digital input signal disappears: Turn-off delay time of the external and severe external alarms after the signal disappears

(A8) Show warning if the defrost ends for max. time : Displays the Adt message if the defrost ends for maximum time (d1) instead of for temperature (d4).

(A9) Relay alarm polarity : Defines the behaviour of the alarm relay:

(A10) Differenttial of temperature alarms : Differential for the minimum and maximum temperature alarms.

(A12) Delay of open door alarm : Open door alarm turn-on delay time.

(A20) Minimum overheating value for LSH alarm: Minimum overheating alarm overheating value.

(A21) LSH alarm delay: Minimum overheating alarm turn-on delay time.

(A22) LSH alarm differential: Minimum overheating alarm differential.

(A23) Maximum overheating value for LSH alert: High overheating alert activation overheating value.

(A24) HSH alert turn-on delay time: Turn-on delay time of the HSH alert since the A20 value is reached.

(A25) HSH alert differential: Sets the differential for the high overheating alert.

(A26) MOP alarm value: Maximum evaporation pressure alarm activation value.

(A27) MOP alarm turn-on delay time: Turn-on delay time of the HSH alert since the A20 value is reached.

(A28) MOP alarm differential: Sets the differential for the maximum evaporation pressure alert.

(A29) LOP alarm value: Minimum evaporation pressure alarm activation value.

(A30) LOP alarm turn-on delay time: Turn-on delay time of the LOP alert since the A20 value is reached.

(A31) LOP alarm differential: Sets the differential for the minimum evaporation pressure alert.

LSH Alarm severity: Assigned severity in the event of minimum overheating alarm:

HSH Alert severity: Assigned severity in the event of high overheating alert:

MOP alarm severity: Assigned severity in the event of maximum evaporation pressure alert:

LOP alarm severity: Assigned severity in the event of minimum evaporation pressure alert:

Cloud alarms (c-AL)

Probe 1 maximum temperature Alarm severity: Assigned severity in the event of probe 1 maximum temperature alarm:

Probe 1 minimum temperature Alarm severity: Assigned severity in the event of probe 1 minimum temperature alarm:

Door open Alarm severity: Assigned severity in the event of open door alarm:

External alarm severity: Assigned severity in the event of external alarm:

Severe external alarm severity: Assigned severity in the event of severe external alarm:

Severity in the event of communication error: Assigned severity in the event of communication error:

% of time outside Set Point alarm: In the event that the % of time on Set Point falls below the set value, the alarm is activated.

Severity in the event of % of time outside Set Point alarm: Assigned severity in the event of % of time outside Set Point alarm:

% of time on defrost alarm: In the event that the % of time on defrost falls below the set value, the alarm is activated.

Severity in the event of % of time on defrost alarm: Assigned severity in the event of % of time on defrost alarm:

% of time cooling alarm: In the event that the % of time cooling falls below the set value, the alarm is activated.

Severity in the event of % of time cooling alarm: Severity assigned in the event of % of time cooling alarm:

Basic configuration (bcn)

(b00) Delay of all functions on connection to power supply: Delays the activation of any relay since the unit is connected to the power supply.

(b01) Cold room light timing: Defines the time during which the camera light remains on since the door is opened.

(b10) Password function: Defines the password function:

(PAS) Password: Password.

(b20) Modbus address: Defines the unit’s MODBUS address.

(b21) Communication speed*: Defines the speed for MODBUS communication:

(b22) Acoustic alarm enabled: Enables/disables the acoustic alarm signal.

(b23) View on lower display: Defines what is shown on the device’s lower display:

(b30) Manual calibration activation: Starts a new controller calibration (SELF DRIVE mode) (AKO-16526A only).

(Unt) Work units*: Define the unit's work units.

Inputs and outputs (InO)

(I00) Connected probes: Defines the active probes:

(I10) D1/S3 input configuration: Defines the use of input D1/S3:

(I11) D1/S3 input polarity: Defines how input D1/S3 is activated:

(I20) D2/S4 input configuration: Defines the use of input D2/S4:

(I21) D2/S4 input polarity: Defines how input D2/S4 is activated:

(I30) D3/S5 input configuration: Defines the use of input D3/S5 (AKO-16526 only):

(I31) D3/S5 input polarity: Defines how input D3/S5 is activated (AKO-16526 only):

(I60) Pressure units: Defines the pressure units to use:

(I61) Pressure sensor type: Defines the installed pressure sensor type:

(I62) Minimum pressure probe reading: Defines the probe reading value at 4 mA, 0 V, 0.5 V or 1 V

(I63) Maximum pressure probe reading: Defines the probe reading value at 20 mA, 5 V, 4.5 V or 10 V.

(I64) Pressure probe calibration (Offset): Correction factor to apply to the pressure probe reading.

(o00) AUX1 relay configuration: Defines the use of the AUX 1 relay:

(o10) AUX2 relay configuration: Defines the use of the AUX 2 relay:

(o20) AUX3 relay configuration: Defines the use of the AUX 3 relay:

(o30) Analogue output type (AO): Defines the analogue output type (AO):


(h1) HACCP alarm maximum temperature: If the temperature reaches this value during the time set in parameter h2, the HACCP alarm is activated.

(h2) Maximum time allowed for HACCP alarm activation: Time during which the temperature set in h1 must persist for the HACCP alarm to be activated.

Severity in the event of HACCP alarm: Assigned severity in the event of HACCP alarm:

Information (Read only) (tid)

(InI) InI configuration wizard chosen option*: Displays the option selected in the InI 1 initial wizard.

(Pd) Pump down active?*: Shows whether or not pump down is active.

(PU) Program version*: Displays the device program version.

(Pr) Program revision*: Displays the device program revision.

(PSr) Program subrevision*: Displays the device program subrevision.

Datalogger (dLG)

(L1) Continuous logging interval: Defines the time that elapses between each instance of data collection:

(L2) Clear log and event history?: Clears the log and event history.

(L3) Log start day: Defines the log start day:

(L4) Decimal separator in .cvs file: Defines the type of decimal separator for the .cvs file:

* Informative, cannot be changed from akonet cloud

** Only visibile with the CAMM module installed.

For further information, please refer to the user manual available on our website

AKO-16526: 1652H601

Severity of alarms

Assigning different severities to different types of alarms allows classifying them according to their importance in order to subsequently be able to quickly identify them in the timeline graph or in the list of alarms.

Assigning severity (low, medium, high) to an alarm is necessary to define user notification rules.