

The CAMregis datalogger has a series of parameters to configure its operation according to requirements, these parameters can be modified through, by accessing the device details and by clicking on the "Parameters” tab.

There are two types of parameters:

Changes to the parameters associated with have immediate effect, while the parameters associated with the device generate a task that runs in the next transmission (variable depending on configuration). 

If, upon altering a parameter, there is a pending task, the change is added to that task, otherwise it generates a new task. The list of tasks and their status can be consulted in the backlog section

The parameters are organised in groups:

* "n": Input number.

Input configuration (in)

Input 1 type: When this temperature value is reached, cooling generation stops.

Tipo de entrada 1: Sets the configuration of input 1

Input 1 name: Allows you to assign a name to the input to simplify its identification

This 2 parameters are repeated for each of the available inputs according to the CAMregis model.

Basic configuration (bcn)

Date format: Sets the date format

Automatic date change: Shows if the automatic date change is enabled (Read only parameter).

Data logger week initial day: Shows which day of the week the datalogger starts (Read only parameter).

Interval of the continuous log: Shows the time that elapses between each data log (Read only parameter).

Temperature units: Sets the temperature units (ºC or ºF)

Mute alarm: Sets alarm behavior after pressing any key:

MODBUS speed: Shows the MODBUS speed (Read only parameter).

Cloud alarms  (c-AL)

Severity for communication error: Sets the severity of the communication error alarm:

Input "n"

There are as many "input n" tabs as there are available and enabled inputs the CAMRegis has. The "n" indicates the entry number. 

All the parameters are available or not depending the input configuration.

Display units: Allows you to customize the units of each input independently.

Value for 4 mA: Sets the equivalent value of the 4-20mA converter for a 4mA current.

Value for 20 mA**: Sets the equivalent value of the 4-20mA converter for a 20mA current.

Offset: It allows a possible reading error in the probe to be corrected. This may be very useful when it cannot be put into the most suitable place.

Setpoint: Sets, in combination with hysteresis, a target working range for each input. 

Example, Setpont = 5, Hysteresis = 10, the target working range will be between -5 and 15.

Hysteresis: Sets, in combination with Setpoint, a target working range for each input. 

Example, Setpont = 5, Hysteresis = 10, the target working range will be between -5 and 15.

Digital input alarm: If enabled, each time the digital input is activated an alarm is generated.

Enabled alarms: Sets which alarms are enabled:

Alarm MAX value: Reaching this value, the MAX alarm is activated.

Alarm MIN value: Reaching this value, the MIN alarm is activated.

Alarms delay: Sets delay time between alarm activation and cloud notification.

Aallrm output: Sets the alarm behavior on CAMregis:

Severity for MAX alarm : Sets the severity of maximum alarm:

Severity for MIN alarm : Sets the severity of minimum alarm:

Severity for digital alarm: Sets the severity of digital alarm:

HACCP alarm: Enables or disables the HACCP alarm.

Max temperature HACCP alarm: If the temperature reaches this value during the time defined on parameter "HACCP 1 delay", the alarm is activated.

HACCP 1 delay: Sets the delay form when "Max temperature HACCP alarm" is activated until the HACCP 1 alarm is activated.

HACCP 2 delay: Sets the delay form when HACCP 1 alarm is activated until the HACCP 2 alarm is activated.

HACCP 3 delay: Sets the delay form when HACCP 2 alarm is activated until the HACCP 3 alarm is activated.

HACCP 4 delay: Sets the delay form when HACCP 3 alarm is activated until the HACCP 4 alarm is activated.

Severity for  HACCP alarm:  Sets the severity of HACCP alarm.

Alarm of % time out of range: If the % of time in Setpoint falls below the defined value, the % of time out of range alarm is activated. 

Hysteresis of % time out of range alarm: Sets the hysteresis for % time out of range alarm

Delay of % time out of range alarm: Delay of time between reaches the value of alarm of % time out of range until activates the alarm

Severity for % time out of range alarm: Sets the severity of %time out of range alarm: