
Allows access to the Cloud administration section where users, permissions, etc., can be configured, roles created, etc.


Displays a list of roles that are generated. The roles allow creating different user profiles depending on the job requirements. Each user has access to different functions depending on the privileges assigned.

Different privileges can be assigned to each role as required and each user can be assigned a role.

The administrator has all the permissions and only he can create profiles and users. There can be as many administrators as required.

Name / Description: Assigns a name and a description to the role

Privileges: Assigns different privileges to the role; users who have that role assigned to them will have these privileges:

  • Activate new device: Allows activating new devices.

  • Read device config.: Allows viewing the device configuration.

  • Update device info: Allows editing the device details (Name, description, etc.)

  • Update device config.: Allows editing the device configuration.

  • Read device audit: Allows viewing the change log in the device configuration.

  • Read device events: Allows viewing the device lists of events.

  • Edit notofocation rules: Allows editing the notification rules.

  • Access to report: Allows displaying the activity reports.

  • Access to backlog: Allows viewing the log of the changes made to the device configuration.

  • View onlly own reports: If it is activated, only displays own reports.

  • Group management: Allows creating and editing groups.


There are 3 possible user types:

  • User: There can be as many as required and their privileges are defined by editing each of them manually or by assigning a role (see previous page).

  • Administrator: There can be as many as required. They have all the privileges, except for being unable to edit the company profile or view the billing details.

  • Owner: There can only be one, and it is always the person who registers the company. They have all the privileges of an administrator; however, they can also edit the company profile and view the billing details.

When accessing "Users", a list with the users registered in and their assigned roles is displayed.

E-mail: User's email address*.

First surname: Username.

Second surname: User's surname.

Active: Indicates whether it is active or not.

Administrator: Indicates whether he has administrator permissions or not.

Role: Displays the assigned role

Last connection: Date and time of the user's last connection.

Created on: Date and time the user was created.

Changed on: Date and time when the user was last changed.

* The email used must be unique across the whole, it cannot be repeated or reused even if they are different companies.

** If the user is an administrator, all privileges are active and cannot be changed. If the user has a role assigned, the privileges cannot be changed. To do so, you must change the role.

New user creation

To create a new user, click on + at the top right and fill in the form with the requested data.


There are 3 possibles ways to configure the privileges of an user according to the selected Workspace Mode:

Groups and devices

Common privileges are assigned, this user will have the same privileges for ALL the devices and groups.


In addition to the common privileges, specific privileges can be assigned to the chosen groups.

In this example, the user has been assigned the privileges "read device audits", "Edit notification rules" and "Access to reports" for ALL of the devices, and has been assigned the privileges "Activate new device" and "Update new device" only for AKODATA.H group, ergo, will have only this privileges for the devices in the group AKODATA.H.


Privileges are assigned only for the selected devices, the user will not have access to the rest of the devices.

New user register

By clicing on "Save", the user is registered in, but disabled. For enables, an email is sended to user adress with a link to activates the account. On the first acces, request new password for the new user and enables the user account.


Allows you to download a table with the saved data of the selected device(s) for a defined period of time. The backup is sent by email in the form of a compressed file; this file contains an Excel file for each device with 4 tabs; one contains the data identifying the device (DEVICE), another contains the recorded data (SAMPLES), another contains the alarms (ALARMS) and the last contains the changes made to the device configuration (AUDIT).

When you access “Admin/Backups”, it will display a list of the last requested backups:

Created by: User who created the backup.

Created on: Creation date.

Status: Backup Status.

Target: Indicates the backup object (By device, by group, by label, etc.)

Start / End: Indicates the time period of the requested backup.

Available until: The backup created is available for download until the date indicated; after that it is shown in the list but can no longer be downloaded.

Click on +to create a new one and fill in the following fields:

Start / end date: Indicate the time period included in the requested backup.

Target: Indicates the backup objective (A device, a group, by label, or of all devices)

Tags / Groups / Devices: Indicate which labels, groups or devices should be included in the backup.

Send copy to: Indicate an email where the backup copy will be sent. It will also be available for 24 hours to be downloaded from the cloud.

Email config.

Allows you to configure your own SMTP mail server to send all email notifications.

Verifications (Only visible to administrators)

It shows a list with the verification status of all the devices subject to metrological control, showing the dates of commissioning, the last verification carried out and the next verification to be carried out for each device.

1.- Open a section from which verification notifications are activated or deactivated and the verifications carried out on each device are added.

2.- Open the verification notification window.

3.- Activate/deactivate the device verification notification.

4.- Add a new verification.

5.- Allows you to download the documents from:

    • Declaration of Conformity

    • Temperature measurement error report

    • Error report in time registration

6.- Allows you to enter the device's commissioning date.

Verification notifications

7.- Activate/deactivate verification notifications

8.- Define how far in advance notifications are sent

9.- Define to which emails the notifications are sent, you can enter more than one email.