Akonet.Edge configuration

The Akonet.Edge device has a series of parameters to configure its operation according to requirements, these parameters can be modified through AKONET.cloud by accessing the device details and by clicking on the "Parameters” tab.

There are two types of parameters:

Changes to the parameters associated with akonet.cloud have immediate effect, while the parameters associated with the device generate a task that runs during the next transmission (which varies depending on configuration).

If, upon altering a parameter, there is a pending task, the change is added to that task, otherwise it generates a new task. The list of tasks and their status can be consulted in the backlog section.

The parameters are organised into 5 groups: 

Datalogger (dlG)

Data logger week initial day: Sets the day of the week on which a new log block is started.

Continuous logging interval: Sets the frequency interval with which the Akonet.Edge records data from the connected devices, i.e. how often the device measures and saves the data.

Communication (tx)

Type of Communication: Determines the type of communication between Akonet.Edge and Akonet.cloud:

Ethernet: Requires the Akonet.Edge to be connected to network with Internet access (RJ45). By default, configuration is through DHCP, for configuration through static IP, for more details see section "Local web console".

GPRS: You need a SIM card with an active data plan for GPRS connectivity. This option requires additional configuration, please refer to section "Local web console".

Password (PA)

Console access password: Allows you to set a password to access the configuration console (See section "Local web console").

Alarms (AL)

Low storage availability for the database warning: Allows you to define what usage percentage the database is allowed before activating the "low database space" alarm.

Low hard drive free space alarm: Allows you to define what percentage of hard drive usage is allowed before activating the "low drive space" alarm.

RAM usage limit alarm: Allows you to define the amount of RAM that can be used before activating the "Low RAM" alarm.

Cloud alarms (cAL)

Severity for communication error: Sets the severity of the communication error alarm.

Severity of the low hard drive space alarm: Sets the severity of the "low drive space".

Severity for RAM usage limit alarm: Sets the severity of the "low RAM" alarm.

Severity for low database space availability alarm: Sets the severity of the "low database space" alarm.

Severity levels:

Advanced configuration of the device

The advanced configuration allows you to adjust parameters related to the connectivity of the device.


Defines the configuration of the device's Ethernet connection. If the IP assignment is configured as DHCP, nothing else needs to be configured. 

If it is configured as static, the fields indicated need to be filled in, consult your network administrator.


Configuration of the WIFI access point generated by the Edge itself. This access point allows you to configure various parameters of the device using a mobile device. 


If you choose this type of communication, fill in the fields with the data provided by your GPRS operator. 

It requires the installation of a SIM card with GPRS connectivity.


AKONet.Edge has a local line (485) that enables the connection of up to 25 devices and the linking of as many AKO-80080 devices as necessary.

The AKO-80080 device allows up to 25 devices to be connected via a MODBUS network and linked to an AKONet.Edge via the Ethernet network.

Local Web console

The web console allows you to connect to Akonet.Edge locally and change its configuration if necessary.

From the web console, you can:

Accessing the console

The web console can be accessed in two ways: 

If you know the Akonet.edge IP address

From a computer or mobile device*:

If you don't know the Akonet.edge IP address

From a computer or mobile device:

* The computer or mobile device must be connected to the same network as the Akonet.Edge

View / Edit the Ethernet configuration

Clicking on "Ethernet" brings up the current IP address and the network configuration (by default DHCP), clicking on "Edit" allows you to modify the network configuration (DHCP or Fixed IP). 

View / Edit the GPRS configuration

Clicking on "GPRS" brings up the current GPRS operator configuration, clicking "Edit" allows you to modify the configuration, for more information get in touch with your GPRS provider.

Change the Ethernet/GPRS connectivity configuration

By default, Akonet.Edge is factory-configured for Ethernet connectivity. To change to GPRS, click on "Parameters" and change the parameter "Tx type" from Ethernet to GPRS. 

Make sure you correctly configure your GPRS operator.

Change parameter configuration

Clicking on "Parameters" allows you to modify the parameters related to Akonet.Edge. The ones that relate to Akonet.cloud can only be changed from Akonet.cloud. 

Search for connected devices

The local console includes a tool for searching for devices connected to Akonet.Edge. To open it, click on "Search for Devices", select the MODBUS address range to search for and click on "Submit". After a few seconds you will see the detected devices. 

The detected devices appear in Akonet.cloud as devices pending activation. 

Check Modbus connectivity

Clicking on "Modbus test" starts the test to check Modbus connectivity.  Input a valid Modbus address and select the test duration, data packets will be sent to the defined Modbus address and responses will be logged, a counter will display the sent packets (counter) and the lost packets (errors).

Update firmware

If, for any reason, technical support asks you to update the Akonet.Edge firmware, click on "Update" and select the file that support has sent you, the update will start shortly. 

Wait until the Akonet.Edge fully resets, do not interact with it or with the web console until the whole process has finished.


The system allows configuration and connected device lists (only Modbus addresses and device lists) to be saved and loaded as backups.

Save: Clicking on "Backup" generates a backup file called backupEdge.bak and saves it in the Download folder.

Load: Click "Restore" and select the file to load. Upon completion a “Restore OK” message is displayed.

AKO-5041 / AKO-5051

The Akonet.Edge devices referenced AKO-5041 and AKO-5051, in addition to the aforementioned configurations, have a series of parameters to configure their relays. These parameters can be modified by accessing the device widget and clicking the “Parameters” tab. 

AKO-5041 parameters

The parameters are organised into the following groups:

* "n": Number of input.

Cloud alarms (c_AL)

Severity for communication error: Sets the severity of the communication error alarm:

Inputs and outputs (in)

Relay function (1 to 8): Sets the function of each relay

Relay name (1 to 8): Sets the name for each relay for an easy identification

Relay (1 to 8)

Polarity: Sets the relay polarity. If configured as operation failure, the polarity cannot be changed, it is always normally closed.

Activation delay:  Only available if configured as notification rule. Sets time in minutes from notification is generated to activation of the relay.

Reset type: Defines the reset type:  (Only available if it has been configured as a notification rule)

AKO-5051 parameters

The parameters are organised into the following groups:

* "n": Number of input.

Alarmas cloud (c_AL)

Severity for communication error: Sets the severity of the communication error alarm:

Inputs and outputs (in)

Analogic input setting (1 to 7): Defines the function of the relay:

Analogic input name (1 to 7): Assigns a name to each analogue input.

Digital input setting (1 to 10): Defines the function of the relay:

Digital input name (1 to 10): Assigns a name to each digital input

Relay function (1 / 2): Defines the function of the relay:

Relay name (1/ 2): Define a name for each relay to facilitate later identification.

Analog input (1 to 7)

Units: Define the input work units.

0 mA / 4 mA / 0 V value: Define the value to display when the probe delivers its minimum value (See probe characteristics).

20 mA / 10 V value: Define the value to display when the probe delivers its maximum value (See probe characteristics).

Offset: Allows the value delivered by the probe to be adjusted in case the device cannot be placed in the optimal location.

SetPoint: Allows a reference temperature margin considered as optimal or desired according to the application it is intended for to be established, along with the Hysteresis parameter. This margin is called the Set Point.

Initial hour mute range:Sets the start time for the muted alarms feature.

Mute range duration: Sets the duration in hours of the silenced alarms function.


From 8:00 PM to 06:00 AM, the alarms are not displayed, they are not saved in the event log and they do not generate notifications, therefore they do not force any transmission either.

MAX & MIN alarms: Enables or disables the maximum and minimum alarms. 

MAX alarm value: Defines the maximum temperature alarm activation value.

MIN alarm value: Defines the minimum temperature alarm activation value.

MAX & MIN alarms hysteresis: Defines the hysteresis for the maximum and minimum alarms.

MAX & MIN alarms delay: Defines the minimum and maximum turn-on delay time of the alarms.

Severity for max alarm: Sets the severity of the maximum alarm:

Severity for min alarm: Sets the severity of the minimum alarm:

TTI alarm (Time Temperature Index): If the % of time that the temperature has remained within the SP range drops below this parameter, the alarm is triggered.

TTI alarm hysteresis: Defines the hysteresis for the TTI alarm.

TTI alarm delay: Defines TTI temperature alarm turn-on delay time.

Severity for TTI alarms: Sets the severity of the TTI alarm:

Digital input (1 to 10)

Minimum time in ON/OFF:  Defines the minimum time that the digital input must remain ON or OFF to detect it.

Initial hour mute range: Sets the start time for the silenced alarms feature.

Mute range duration: Sets the duration in hours of the silenced alarms function.


From 8:00 PM to 06:00 AM, the alarms are not displayed, they are not saved in the event log and they do not generate notifications, therefore they do not force any transmission either.

Active digital input alarm: Enables or disables the digital input activation alarm. If set to YES, an alarm is generated each time this input is activated.

Delay for digital input alarm: Defines the turn-on delay time for the digital input.

Severity for digital alarm: Sets the severity of the digital input alarm:

Relé (1 / 2)

Polarity: Sets the relay polarity. If configured as operation failure, the polarity cannot be changed, it is always normally closed.

Activation delay: Defines a relay turn-on delay time from the notification activation. (Only available if it has been configured as a notification rule)

Reset type: Defines the reset type:  (Only available if it has been configured as a notification rule)