Device view
Device view
This screen shows a summary of the data for all devices of a particular client / user, indicating the averages of the values captured for each of them as well as if they have any active alarm and the connection status. Each device is shown in a small window called widget, where the most relevant device data are displayed. When you click on the widget, access is gained to the device detail screen.
Widgets view
Device activation: Allows you to register new devices.
Bulk device activation (CSV, XLSX): Allows the bulk registration of devices by filling out the data in a table.
Bulk device update: Allows the bulk modification of devices by filling out the data in a table.
Export to CSV: Exports the data of the devices shown to a CSV-type table.
Export to XLSX: Exports the data of the devices shown an Excel table.
List view
Displays the devices as a list and allows you to view their indicators
List of devices
Al: Indicates the number of active alarms on the device.
Ap: Displays the application chosen in the wizard.
Name: Displays the name of the device.
Description: Displays the device description.
ID: Displays the device identification number.
Reference: Indicates the device reference.
Serial number: Indicates the device serial number.
IMEI: Indicates the device IMEI.
Status: Displays the device status:
Registered: The device is assigned to a company / customer but has not yet been activated.
Online: The device is active, regularly sending the registered data as well as the alarms detected.
Offline: The device is active, regularly sending the registered data, however the alarms are disabled.
Suspended: The licence has expired, and the device does not register or transmit data until the licence is reactivated.
Error: The transmission has not been received in the planned period.
Cancelled: The device has been cancelled and cannot be re-registered.
Con.: Indicates the device communication type.
Signal: Indicates the amount of device coverage.
Town / City: Indicates the location of the device set by the user.
Activation: Indicates the device activation date.
License code: Indicates the device license type.
Licence expiry: Displays the expiry date for the device subscription.
Groups: Indicates the groups the device belongs to.
Labels: Displays the device labels.
Created by: Indicates the user who registered the device.
Updated by: Indicates the user who last modified the device data.
Device management
Allows editing the device details:
Name: Adds a name to the device.
Description: Adds the device description.
Image: Allows you to upload a real image of the device to identify it (gif/png/jpeg formats, maximum size 1 MB).
Groups: Indicates the groups the device belongs to.
Application: Indicates the type of application selected in the wizard. (+ info).
GMT: Selects the time zone where the device is located. (+ info)
Labels: Allows you to add labels to the device to help to create reports and notifications.
Address, postal code, city, country: Allows you to add the location data of the device, or obtain them by using the coordinates entered.
Search for coordinates: Obtains the coordinates to locate the device on the map based on the address you entered.
Get address: Obtains the address of the device based on the coordinates entered.
Get geoposition: Obtains the location of the device based on the network data.
Longitude / Latitude: Allows you to add the location of the device using coordinates, or obtain them via the address entered.
Find on map: If the box is checked, it allows you to find the location directly on the map, clicking to indicate the location.