
The temperature and humidity monitor AKO-598xxx has a series of parameters to configure its operation according to requirements, these parameters can be modified through AKONET.cloud, by accessing the device details and by clicking on the "Parameters” tab.

There are two types of parameters:

Changes to the parameters associated with AKONET.cloud have immediate effect, while the parameters associated with the device generate a task that runs in the next transmission (variable depending on configuration). Refer to the device manual to force the transmission.

If, upon altering a parameter, there is a pending task, the change is added to that task, otherwise it generates a new task. The list of tasks and their status can be consulted in the backlog section.

The parameters are organised into 8 groups:

* Options available depending on the application chosen in the quick start wizard

Narrow band (nb)

Transmission status interval: This establishes the device transmission interval, i.e. how often it connects to the network to send data to the cloud. The lower the interval, the greater the battery consumption, therefore the lower its service life.

The initial transmission time (GMT+0): Sets the time of day when the first transmission starts. The transmission interval is counted as from this point.

Only for AKODATA V2 version

transmision frequency: This establishes the device transmission interval, i.e. how often it connects to the network to send data to the cloud. The lower the interval, the greater the battery consumption, therefore the lower its service life.

Week transmision day: In case of choosing "1 Tx week" in the previous parameter, define which day of the week the data will be transmitted.

Tx temporary window start time: If you choose "n Tx per day on ..." in the "transmission frequency" parameter, define at what time the time window for transmissions starts.

Duration of the Tx time window: In case of choosing "n Tx per day on ..." in the "transmission frequency" parameter, define the duration in hours of the transmission window.

No. of retries on low priority transmisions: Defines the maximum number of Tx retries (in case of communication error) for low priority events and alarms.

No. of retries on high priority transmisions: Defines the maximum number of Tx retries (in case of communication error) for high priority events and alarms.

Datalogger (dlG)

Enabled probes: Allows selecting which probes are active in the device:

Upon disabling a probe, corresponding data will not be lost, but new data will not be logged while it is disabled.

The probe or inactive probes are displayed in the cloud in grey.

Data logger week initial day: Sets the day of the week on which a new log block is started.

Interval of the continuous log: Sets the frequency interval with which the device records temperature and humidity data, i.e. how often the device measures and saves temperature and humidity data. The lower the interval, the greater the battery consumption, therefore the lower its service life.


Transmission Interval to the cloud: 12 hours

Max. external temperature alarm: 15 ºC

Initial transmission time: 8:00 am

Force transmission for max. external temp. alarm: If it is activated.

Datalogger interval frequency: 30 minutes

Alarm evaluation

Probes (InO)

External target temperature: Allows setting, along with the External temperature hysteresis parameter, a reference temperature margin considered as optimal or desired according to the application it is intended for. This margin is called the Set Point. This data is necessary for analysing the facility's performance (TTI, THI, time graphs in Set Point, Dashboard, etc.). This margin applies to the device external probe.


External target temperature: 5 ºC

Hysteresis: 2 ºC

Ambient target temperature: The same as “External target temperature” applied to the ambient probe, its hysteresis is defined by the Ambient temperature Hysteresis parameter.

Ambient target RH%: The same as “Ambient target temperature” applied to the humidity probe, its hysteresis is defined by the ambient RH% Hysteresis parameter.

External temperature offset: Allows correcting the temperature displayed by the probe in situations where the device cannot be located in the ideal place.

Ambient temperature offset: The same as “External temperature offset" applied to the ambient probe.

RH% offset:  The same as “External temperature offset” applied to the humidity probe.

Alarms (AL)

Temperature alarms hysteresis: Sets the hysteresis for all the temperature alarms (maximums, minimums and HACCP).

Temperature alarms delay: Defines a delay in minutes as from reaching the value set in "Max. / Min.  temperature alarm” (External or Ambient) until the alarm is triggered.

Force transmission for low battery alarm: Defines whether to force transmission in the event of a low battery alarm:

Severity for low battery alarm: Sets the severity for the low battery alarm:

Delay of HACCP 1: Time in minutes as from when the set temperature is reached in "HACCP maximum temperature alarm” (external or Ambient), so that the HACCP 1 alarm is triggered.

Delay of HACCP 2: Time in minutes as from when the HACCP 1 alarm is triggered so that the HACCP 2 alarm is triggered.

Delay of HACCP 3: Time in minutes as from when the HACCP 2 alarm is triggered so that the HACCP 3 alarm is triggered.

Delay of HACCP 4: Time in minutes as from when the HACCP 3 alarm is triggered so that the HACCP 4 alarm is triggered.

Force transmission for HACCP alarm: Defines whether to force the transmission in the event of an HACCP alarm:


Max. ambient temperature alarm: 10 ºC.

Max. ambient temperature HACCP alarm: 12 ºC.

Temperature alarms hysteresis: 2 ºC.

Temperature alarms delay: 5 min.

Delay of HACCP 1: 10 min.

Delay of HACCP 2: 30 min.

The alarm due to probe error is always of high severity

Mute alarms: If enabled, alarms are not displayed, they are not saved in the event log and they do not generate notifications, therefore, they do not force any transmission.  (Not available in V2 version)

Temporary mute of alarms (V2 version only)

MUTE temporary window start time: Sets the initial hour of MUTE function.

Duration of the MUTE time window (in hours): Sets the duration in hours of MUTE function.


From 20:00 until 06:00, the alarms don't shows, don't save on the log and don't activates notifications, therefore, they do not force any transmission

Severity for communication error: Sets the severity of the communication error alarm:

Communication error

In the event that a transmission cannot be completed, the device will make 2 further attempts, 1 every 30 minutes. If the transmission is not completed during these attempts, another attempt will be made during the following transmission period (“transmission interval to the cloud” parameter).

Alarms external (AlExt)

Min. external temperature alarm: Defines the activation temperature for the minimum external temperature alarm.

Force the transmission for min. external alarm temp.: Defines whether to force transmission in the case of the minimum external temperature alarm:

Severity for min. external temp. alarm: Sets the severity of the minimum temperature alarm in external probe:

Max. external temperature alarm: Defines the activation temperature for the maximum external temperature alarm.

Force the transmission for max. external temp. alarm: Defines whether to force transmission in the case of the maximum external temperature alarm:

Severity for max. external temp. alarm: Sets the severity of the maximum temperature alarm in external probe:

Max. external temperature HACCP alarm: Defines the activation temperature for the HACCP external temperature alarm.

Severity for external HACCP alarm: Sets the severity of the HACCP alarm in external probe:

Alarms ambient (AlAmb)

It has the same parameters as the external temperature alarms, however applied to the probe environment (internal).

Alarms humidity (AlHum)

Min. RH% alarm: Defines the activation value for the minimum relative humidity alarm.

Force the transmission for minimum RH% alarm: Defines whether to force transmission in the case of the minimum relative humidity alarm:

Severity for min. RH% alarm: Sets the severity of the minimum relative humidity alarm:

Max. RH% alarm: Defines the activation value for the maximum relative humidity alarm.

Force the transmission for maximum RH% alarm: Defines whether to force the transmission in the case of the maximum relative humidity alarm:

Severity for max. RH% alarm: Sets the severity of the maximum relative humidity alarm:

Hysteresis for RH% alarm: Defines the hysteresis for all the relative humidity alarms.

RH% alarms delay: Defines a delay in minutes as from reaching the value set in "Max. / min. ambient RH% alarm" until the alarm is triggered.

Cloud alarms (c_AL)

External TTI alarm: If the % of time that the temperature of the external probe has remained within the SP range drops to less than indicated in this parameter, the alarm is triggered.

External TTI alarm hysteresis: Defines the hysteresis for the external probe TTI alarm.

External TTI alarm delay: Defines a delay in minutes as from reaching the value set in "Time and external humidity (TTI) index alarm” until the alarm is triggered.

Severity for external TTI alarm: Sets the severity of the external probe TTI alarm:

Ambient (TTI) alarm: If the % of time that the temperature of the ambient probe has remained within the SP range drops to less than indicated in this parameter, the alarm is triggered.

Ambient TTI alarm hysteresis: Defines the hysteresis for the TTI alarm of the ambient probe.

Ambient TTI alarm delay: Defines a delay in minutes as from reaching the value set in "Time and humidity (TTI) index alarm yell” until the alarm is triggered.

Severity for ambient TTI alarm: Sets the severity of the TTI ambient probe alarm:

THI alarm: If the % of time that relative humidity has remained within the SP range drops to less than indicated in this parameter, the alarm is triggered.

THI alarm hysteresis: Defines the hysteresis for the THI alarm.

THI alarm delay: Defines a delay in minutes as from reaching the value set in "Time and RH% (THI) index alarm” until the alarm is triggered.

Severity for THI alarm: Sets the severity of the relative humidity THI alarm:

REMARK: What is the TTI / THI?

The acronym TTI means Time Temperature Index, while the acronym THI means Time Humidity Index. These indicators represent the percentage of time that the temperature or humidity were within the Set Point.


Ambient target temperature: 5 ºC

Ambient temperature hysteresis: 5 ºC

REMARK: Severity of alarms

Assigning different severities to different types of alarms allows classifying them according to their importance in order to subsequently be able to quickly identify them in the timeline graph or in the list of alarms.

Assigning severity (low, medium, high) to an alarm is necessary to define user notification rules.

Food setup (c_Food)

Probe to calculate indexes: Defines the probe used to calculate the drying and ageing rates.

Max. daily drying acceleration alarm: Defines from which daily drying level the alarm is activated.

Severity for max. daily acceleration in product drying: Sets the severity of the maximum daily drying increase alarm:

Max. daily shelf-life acceleration alarm: Defines from which daily ageing level the alarm is activated.

Severity for max. daily acceleration in product shelf-life: Sets the severity of the maximum daily ageing increase alarm:

Product type 1 / 2 / 3: Defines the types of products contained in the cold room or unit for the calculation of drying and ageing.

Acceleration of daily food drying

Under ideal temperature and moisture conditions, the acceleration in drying (loss of water from the product) should be 1 (each day elapsed is equivalent to 1 day of drying) and the preservation quality index should be 100%. If the temperature and moisture conditions deviate from their optimal values, the drying acceleration increases and therefore the preservation quality index decreases. The ideal preservation conditions depend on each type of food.

A value of 2.0x in the acceleration indicates that each day passed causes the food to dry for the equivalent of 2 days under optimal conditions (according to reference tables for each food product). This value gives an idea of the amount of water (and consequently, loss) that can be achieved by improving the temperature and moisture conditions for a specific food product.

The graph displays drying acceleration (DA) indicators and preservation quality index (DI) of each selected food. The foods are defined using the “Config. alimentación” (food config.) 

Acceleration of daily food ageing

Under ideal conditions, the reduction in shelf life should be 1 (each elapsed day is equivalent to 1 day of ageing) and the shelf life index should be 100%. If the temperature moves away from the defined set point, the reduction in shelf life increases and therefore the shelf life index decreases.

A value of 2.0x in the reduction of shelf life indicates that each day that passes causes food to age for the equivalent of 2 days under the desired conditions (according to set point or temperature desired by the user). This measurement gives an idea of the effect on product ageing caused by thermal deviations of the refrigerated space (door openings, defrosts, etc.)

The graph displays the shelf life acceleration (SLA) and shelf life index (SLI) indicators for each selected food. The foods are defined using the “Config. alimentación” (food config.) parameter tab.


In addition to the graphs, the drying acceleration (DA) and shelf life acceleration (SLA) values can be displayed using the widget by clicking on the feed icon.

Pharma setup (c_Pharma)

Alarm of maximum MKT (Ambient)(Mean Kinetic Temperature): Defines from which MKT level the alarm is activated.

Hysteresis of maximum MKT (Mean Kinetic Temperature): Defines the hysteresis for the MKT alarm.

Delay of alarm of maximum MKT: Defines a delay in minutes as from reaching the value set in “Maximum MKT alarm” until the alarm is triggered.

Severity for alarm of max. MKT: Sets the severity of the MKT alarm:

Mean Kinetic Temperature MKT

It is a theoretical average temperature value calculated to weigh the effects of peaks or excursions on the normal operating temperature.

It is used in the pharmaceutical industry to evaluate the effect of temperature variations during storage or transport and is only useful for temperatures above 0 °C.

Battery life

The “Transmission interval to the cloud” and “Continuous logging interval” parameters directly affect the battery life, the lower its value, the lower the service life. Likewise, other factors such as the temperature and the level of coverage affect this service life.

The following graphs show an estimation of the battery life based on these data: