


The box that summarises the information on each device is referred to as the "Widget".

The device sends the stored data to Akonet.cloud, as well as the alarms and alerts detected according to the configured transmission interval. When received, the widget for the corresponding device flashes for 1 minute indicating correct reception. During this time, the data shown correspond to the real-time measurement. After 1 minute, the operation averages are displayed again.

The striped area shows the full measurement range of the device, while the solid area indicates the range of actual work (maximum and minimum value reached) during the selected time period.

If there is an alarm, the outline flashes red; if the alarm has been confirmed (mute) the outline is turned off.

A flashing red halo means that the alarm(s) has/have not been confirmed

By passing the mouse over the indicator, it displays the date and time of the last synchronisation.

If a NBIoT connection is available, the signal strength is also displayed and the colour indicates the signal quality:

  • Green: Good

  • Yellow: Satisfactory

  • Red: Low

AKO-575744x (CO2)

  • MIN / MAX: Indicates the minimum and maximum concentration recorded in the selected period.

Other models

  • IPF (Índice potencial de fugas): Estimation of the percentage of gas charge that will be lost (in one year) due to the average leakage detected in the selected analysis period**

  • TGCI (Time Gas concentration Index): Indicates the time zone where the possibility of leak detection is greatest, if the leak has a non-constant time pattern.

  • T. eq CO2 (Toneladas equivalentes de CO2): Estimation of the amount of tonnes of CO2 equivalent that will be emitted (in one year) due to the average leakage detected in the selected analysis period. **

**For this the volume parameter must be correctly set.

Device detail

Shows the detail of each device as well as a summary of the data captured and allows adjusting the operating parameters.

Hide / Show details

Shows / hides the device details.

Live mode

Displays the controller’s real time reading as well as the different indicators and allows for using some functions of the keypad as if you were in front of the device*.

Fast settings

Allows graphically changing the most typical values without having to access alarm parameters and set points for each of the inputs.


Period selection

Allows selecting the period displayed on the different graphs and also affects the calculation of the averages indicated in the widget shown on the left.


It shows graphs of the data acquired by the device; there are 7 types of gas concentration graphs, 2 sensor temperature graphs and one signal strength graph:

Activity: Shows the maximum, minimum and average values captured per day.

Continuous: Displays the values captured continuously.

Time Gas Concentration Index (TGCI): Graphically shows at what time of day most of the detected leaks occur in the selected date range.

Alarms: Displays a summary with the different alarms recorded and the maximum time that it has remained with an active alarm for each day. The column with a white outline indicates the total time the alarm has been active, whereas column with no outline indicates the number of times that the alarm has been activated.

Heat map: Shows a visual map of which day of the week and in what time zone the leaks occur and what their concentration is. The larger the leak, the more intense its colour will be.

Monthly heat map: Shows a visual map of which day of the month and in what time zone the leaks occur and what their concentration is. The larger the leak, the more intense its colour will be.

Activity (Temperature): Shows the maximum, minimum and average sensor temperature values captured per day.

IMPORTANT: The values refer to the internal temperature of the sensor, not to the ambient temperature.

The example shows the maximum temperature (red columns), the minimum temperature (green columns) and the average temperature (blue line) registered each day.

Continuous (Temperature): Displays the sensor temperature value continuously captured.

IMPORTANT: The values refer to the internal temperature of the sensor, not to the ambient temperature.

Signal strength: Displays a graph with the device signal strength during the selected period (Only devices with NBIoT connectivity).

This graph is not available on AKO-575744x (CO2) transmitters or on transmitters connected to an AKONet Edge.

LPI/LCI: Displays the daily value of the potential leakage rate and the leak load rate.

Leak potential index (LPI): Taking into account a detected leak, the LPI estimates the projection, in mass of kg, of gas charge that would be lost in the period of one year (if no action is taken).

Leak charge index (LCI): Taking into account a detected leak, it estimates the projection, as a percentage of the gas charge of the whole facility, that would be lost in the period of one year (if no action is taken).

In order to calculate these indexes it is necessary to correctly configure the parameters related to them. For further information, see the “Cloud alarms” .